Sweigart-Gallagher, Angela - The Exquisite Uterus Project Sweigart-Gallagher

Angela Sweigart-Gallagher

"Interior Gifts and Other Acts of Love"

Chicago, Illinois

Angela Sweigart-Gallagher

Interior Gifts and Other Acts of Love

Chicago, Illinois

Interior Gifts and Other Acts of Love” is a companion piece to the Wandering Uterus Project’s “Texas H.B. 2— An Act.” Unlike the acts of violence enacted in that piece, this exquisite uterus attempts to fight against the acts of violence against women and their rights through a loving embrace of the uterus. To create the piece I lovingly pieced and appliqued my uterus. In another act of love, I decided to offer the viewer interior gifts. These gifts include selected quotations, as well as affirmations of love and political encouragement to viewer/gift-recipient. In order to receive these gifts the viewer must engage with the piece by drawing out their gift from the uterus and clipping the cord/string that connects them.